Friday, May 21, 2010

"How come we don't say I Love You enough?"

Im sure we have all heard this song, if you haven't well then look it up. The song is called Live like you're dying by Kris Allen.

It has sparked my thinking for today. How come we don't say I Love You enough??
Also why is it not more important to us!? I really really hate it when people abreviate I Love You. "Ily." I think that totally defeats the purpose and the meaning of the phrase.

When i tell someone that I Love them, and im going to make darn sure they know that i mean it too. I am not going to tell someone that I Love them and have them not say it back, that obviously means im jumping the gun...

When i say I Love you there will be no doubt in my mind that the person im saying to will have no trouble saying it back, theres no pressure and it has TRUE meaning.

Notice throught this whole blog post i have written "I Love You", I think this is how we should write it....with meaning.
Julia <3

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